To Banksy and his supporters, advertisements stenciled on the sides of buses are a worse urban blight than anything he has ever painted on a formless wall. For some he and his cutting-edge urban stencil art are almost godlike, but to others he represents everything that is wrong with the world today. How can one man, one artist, evoke such strong and diametrically opposed views?
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Destroy Capitalism by Banksy |
Defacement of Public Property?
For one thing, much of what he does is, technically, illegal and this takes up much of biography of Banksy graffiti. He has seldom accepted an award or openly attended any event held in his honor because police are gene rally at such events, just waiting to arrest him on charges of vandalism, trespassing, or defacement of public property.He himself has remarked that it's a sad state of affairs that the best photos of his work are often the ones the police take. Even so, Banksy has his fans"legions of them. His fans believe that what the artist has to say, the mirror that his art holds up to the world, is worth far more than charges of defacing property. Besides, what is defacement to one person may be high art to another.
The proof of this can be found in the fact that several of Banksy's works"many of which have been condemned by various city councils"have sold at auction for as much as much as half a million dollars each. Several communities now protect Banksy urban graffiti art. And in communities where the average citizen has been allowed to vote on whether a particular piece of Banksy urban art is to be destroyed or not, in virtually every instance the vote has been to keep it. In almost every case the average citizen, when given the choice, votes to retain Banksy's urban graffiti art.
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No Ball Games |
Laptop Decals
The good news is that virtually any piece of Banksy artwork is available as a long-lasting vinyl decal for laptop and notebook computers. That means there are more than 700 different Banksy prints available as computer decals. Laptop decals are designed to be placed on the non-screen side of the laptop's lid, making the decal visible when the laptop is closed as well as when the cover is raised, giving the laptop a unique and personalized appearance.A Banksy laptop decal can give any laptop a unique look, and a Banksy decal says something about the person who owns it. A Banksy decal stands for independent, free-thinking, and anti-establishment sentiments. A Banksy laptop sticker allows a laptop to stand out, to be unique, and to express a certain unique personality. A Banksy laptop decal is generally non-permanent and can be removed if necessary.
Many Banksy decals come with the Apple logo; this logo frequently replaces one of the focal points of Banksy's original artwork. For example, in the iconic painting Girl with Balloon, the Apple logo oftentimes replaces the balloon. In the Banksy painting of the monkey blowing up a bunch of bananas, the bananas are replaced by the logo. These Apple decals can generally be purchased in several different sizes, depending on whether they will be applied to a laptop, a desktop, or even a car window.
Purchasing Laptop Decals
Banksy laptop decals are easily obtainable online and may even be found at certain brick-and-mortar establishments. When shopping online, comparison shopping may be wise, as decals vary slightly from maker to maker and prices can vary considerably. Most vinyl decals can be purchased in the default black and white or in a wide range of customer-preferred colors. Many shops will actually produce a Banksy decal to a specific customer-demanded size.For many people Banksy represents one of the last vestiges of freedom and individuality in a world that is becoming ever more conformist. Banksy's art is sardonic, sarcastic, and almost always anti-establishment. Owning a Banksy decal for a laptop is the artistic equivalent of giving the world the middle finger over and over while at the same time automatically sifting out others who share the same worldview.
Thank you in order to out, amazing details. “Hope is the refusal of truth.” I am grateful to see this media review apple decals